Pin Description of the IC 74LS04:
We have numbered the NOT Gates by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Pin 1: The pin 1 is the input for 1st NOT Gate.
Pin 2: Pin 2 is the output of 1st NOT Gate.
Pin 3: Pin 3 is connected to the input of the 2nd NOT Gate.
Pin 4: Pin 4 is the output of the 2nd NOT Gate.
Pin 5: Pin 5 is connected to the input of the 3rd NOT Gate.
Pin 6: Pin 6 is connected to the output terminal of the 3rd NOT Gate.
Pin 7: Pin 7 is the ground pin, it is used to provide power supply to the IC.
Pin 8: It is the output pin of the 4th Gate.
Pin 9: It provides the input pin for the 4th Gate.
Pin 10: Output of the 5th Gate is connected to the pin 10
Pin 11: Input of the 5th Gate.
Pin 12: It is connected to the output of the 6th Gate.
Pin 13: The pin 13 is connected to the input of 6th Gate.
Pin 14: It is the Vcc terminal of the IC, it is used to provide the power supply to the IC chip.